Bible Baptist Church - Ashtabula, Ohio -

Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
(440) 969-1102

Dr. Greg A. Cole, Pastor

Sunday School (all ages)10:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning Service11:00 A.M.
Sunday Evening Gospel Hour6:00 P.M.
Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer6:00 P.M.


We at Bible Baptist Church would like to give you a warm hearted invitation to join us in worshiping our Savior, Jesus Christ. You will be greeted with a bright smile and a firm handshake, and will leave knowing that you have been in the presence of the Lord and His people! We are conservative in our beliefs, and our services and music are traditional. We use only the King James Version of the Bible in our preaching and teaching ministries. We are committed to sharing the Gospel message both in our community and around the world.

Please take a few minutes to browse our web site and get better acquainted with who we are, and what the Lord is using us to accomplish in the community of Ashtabula, Ohio. You will discover that the sun never sets on the ministry of the Bible Baptist Church.

Please plan to attend the next scheduled church service, and be our honored guest. You will undoubtedly find that Bible Baptist Church is the place "Where Friends Become Family!"

Thank You For Stopping By
We'll Look Forward To Meeting You Soon!